Our Mission

The Solano County Mosquito Abatement District (SCMAD) is a special district responsible for mosquito abatement throughout the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Solano County, which covers 909 square miles.
Within this area SCMAD contends with an extremely diverse range of aquatic habitats and temperature regimes. There are 24 species of mosquitoes known to be found within the SCMAD boundaries; 15 of which are important either as disease vectors (i.e., capable of transmitting disease) or pests.
The function of the SCMAD is to control all mosquitoes that may bring disease or harassment to humans and domestic animals. At the SCMAD, we accomplish this by evaluating and selecting the most effective and economical management techniques that result in the least possible damage to non-target organisms or to the environment.
The SCMAD deploys a variety of preventive management techniques to control mosquitoes, including natural, physical, and chemical control measures. We also emphasize preventive measures, principally natural and physical control methods; however, chemical control is also integrated with other measures when necessary.